Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Guideline
1) Important Dates
Deadline for Abstract Submission        Tuesday, July 31, 2018  Friday, August 10, 2018
Registration Open                              Monday, June 25, 2018
Notification of Acceptance         Monday, August 6, 2018
Deadline of Early Bird                         Monday, August 13, 2018
Registration Close             Friday, August 31, 2018

2) General Rules

    1. All abstract must be submitted and presented in English. Please submit abstracts using a template Word file. Please use one Word file for one submission.
  1. Presenters will be allowed a maximum of one oral presentation, but there is no limitation for the submission of poster presentation.
  2. First author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract before submission.
  3. Please select the type of presentation style:
    Presentation style
    ・Oral Presentation
    ・Poster Presentation
  4. In the template file, your will also be requested to select the session for the workshop topics (See IWAC08 HOME page).
  5. The abstract should not be over 1 page.
3) Copyright Transfer Policy
The copyrights for your abstracts shall be transferred to the IWAC08 Scientific Committee. Otherwise, your abstract shall not be accepted for presentation or be included in the workshop.
However, the following rights are retained by the authors.

  1. All legal rights other than copyright, such as patent rights.
  2. Reuse in other works of all or portions of the abstract described above.
  3. Reproduction of the abstract described above for the author’s personal use and /or for company use, provided that these copies are not offered for sale.

4) Guidelines for Submission

  1. Step 1:Download the template file form this web page.
  2. Step 2:Fill the columns, Personal Information Form, Abstract Submission Form (including Abstract Body) using MS-word software or compatible one, and save it using an appropriate file name.
  3. Step 3:Send it to the email address, iwac08nagoya@lab-ml.web.nitech.ac.jp, as an attached file.
  4. Step4:You will receive a reply email from the IWAC08 secretariat office, which will inform you of an abstract code number for the submission.


When you would like to cancel the submission, please send an email with the subject;
“Cancellation of the abstract (<<abstract code number>>)”
To the above address.

5) Notification for Acceptance
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and its decision will be announced to authors by August 6, 2018. The Scientific Committee’s decisions will be based upon evaluation of the abstract’s scientific standard. If your abstract is accepted, please make sure to register & finish your payment for the conference by August 13, 2018. Your abstract will be withdrawn if the secretariat cannot confirm your registration & payment by the deadline. Presentation guidelines will be announced prior to the workshop.

6) Student Presentation Award
Award will be given in order to encourage the research of student project which will lead the next generation. All student presenters including master and PhD students will be nominated for the award.

7) IWAC08 poster Award
Award will be given for an excellent poster presentation of the workshop during the closing ceremony.

IWAC08 Secretariat
c/o Nagoya Institute of Technology
Department of Life Science and Applied Chemistry
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
E-mail: iwac08nagoya@lab-ml.web.nitech.ac.jp